After using WordPress for the site, I decided I like it so much I’d change my other sites over to it.
Also, as I’ve now almost completed my Citrix Integration Architect series of exams, a name change was in order.
The site layout and navigation is still very much work in progress, but I’ve migrated some recent content in from the old Drupal-based blog so it didn’t look bare!
Now I just to get back to writing some decent informative updates again!
The Citrix XenApp 6 1Y1-A18 CCA exam is now open for free Beta testing on the Peason Vue website.
Great opportunity to gain your next CCA qualification for no cost!
Citrix no longer offer Edgesight for Endpoints in the Platinum Edition of XenDesktop 4. This was included in XenDesktop 3 platinum edition, so why take it out?
Microsoft have a whopping 80% discount of a 200-hours package of Windows 7 and Windows 2008 server e-learning courses until end of May.
The training voucher is Euro399 instead of the usual Euro 1,990 and is valid for 12 months.