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Nov 3 / The Architect


I am growing a moustache this year for Movember. I have decided to put down my razor for one month (November) and help raise awareness and funds for men’s health – specifically prostate cancer.
What many people don’t appreciate is that one man dies every hour of prostate cancer in the UK, more than 35,000 men will be diagnosed this year and that prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK.
Facts like these have convinced me I should get involved and I am hoping that you will support me. To donate to my Mo click this link:

I’m told I have to post some pics of the “results” – you have been warned!

Oct 12 / The Architect

Micro Men

A brief departure from virtualisation today.

The BBC recently broadcast a docu-drama about the early rivalries between Acorn Computers and Sinclair. Given my long associated history with Acorn, having learnt BASIC on a BBC B, owning several different Acorn systems over the years and even working for them many years later, it was great to see how it all started, especially having met many of the characters portrayed (although not Sir Clive!)

I can certainly thank Acorn for planting the seed of my interest in computing.
For those who yearn a bit of 80’s nostalgia at the era of birth of the home computer, I highly recommend you watch it on BBC iPlayer

Oct 8 / The Architect

Run out of bullet point features for a product? Just add in a strategy..

In my previous blog post, I asked what is FlexCast technology?

Was it a new product? Or renaming of an existing technology?
Citrix have now posted an explanatory blog on what FlexCast actually is..and guess what? It’s a strategy!
Yes, Citrix are now listing Strategies as big bullet point items on their product pages and press releases.

So, don’t be looking for that FlexCast console…when it comes to FlexCast you’ve been sold a concept, not a product!

Oct 7 / The Architect

What is FlexCast™ delivery technology?

Been reading the Citrix press releases on Xen Desktop 4, and FlexCast keeps popping up.

Is this a new technology, or another famous re-branding of existing technologies?
To me, it sounds like a mash-up between provisioning server, and user profile manager.
Time will tell..

Sep 30 / The Architect

Goodbye AMC, hello DSC!

Just when I thought Citrix could make a product release without renaming anything, I find that the good old Access Management Console has been renamed to the Delivery Services Console!

I can imagine the meeting..

Marketing:”…so, what new product names are we introducing in this release?”
Development:” Well, none.”
Marketing: “None?!”
Development: “Well, theres some new HDX stuff in there, but we’re already using that term”
Marketing: “But we need something new…a rebranding…keep things fresh”
Development: “…..”
Marketing: “Customers have dutifully been paying their subs…we need to give them something new..even if its not needs to sound new!”
Development “err….”
Marketing: “OK, what stuff have you got that people use regularly that hasn’t been changed for a while”
Development: “Well, there’s Speedscreen”
Marketing: “No, we did that already..HDX remember?”
Development: “The CMC?”
Marketing: “No, we did that last time – Advanced Configuration Console now”
Development: “AMC then.”
Marketing: “Perfect. And does the AMC do anything different in this release than the previous?”
Development: “No, its pretty much the same, with a few performance enhancements to speed up discovery.”
Marketing: “Enhancements you say? Hmmm…well, in that case it deserves a new name..something that reflects all the changes”
Development: “But its not really changed that much…it still d..”
Marketing: “..never mind..let us handle this”
Marketing <already on phone to Agency> “Yes, we’ve got this new console…needs a snappy title….to align with all the application delivery stuff we’re now doing….yes…..yes…..controls services?…sounds..”
Development: “..hold on..people use another console to do that….”
Marketing: “Deliver Services…yes…its perfect! We deliver application services to users..and the Delivery Services Console is how its all managed! Genius! <hangs up>”
Development: “…..”
Marketing: “Thanks for your input everyone! Now, how do we go about getting this new name into the product…”
Development <holds head in hands>